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About Our Practice 

Dentist serving Glenmoore, Exton, Elverson, Chester Springs, Downingtown & more!

Dr Kancharla Glenmoore Family Dentistry

We know it is not easy to find a dentist you can trust. Dr. Ashalatha Kancharla with over 20 years in dentistry takes great pride in addressing patient concerns FIRST, and exploring every option available before moving forward with treatment. She will listen to the goals you have for your smile, and share her knowledge with you accordingly to ensure we are doing the work you both desire and expect from us.


Our patients can look forward to:

🦷 A thorough education of your dental progression through the use of Intraoral Photos instead of relying exclusively on x-rays -- which can often be confusing for patients.


🦷 The space to communicate your concerns or doubts about treatment before getting started or even if just in theory.


🦷 Flexible scheduling during evenings and weekends to complete treatment at your own pace, without worrying about interference with your daily life & responsibilities.


TEXT (855) 486-2065 or CALL (484) 558-8123 even after hours to ask any questions or schedule your first visit! We're open to new patients of ANY age, so anyone can experience our high-quality services. 🦷✨​

Introducing Dr. K

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Meet Dr. Yacoub!

In our efforts to accommodate more patients who wish to benefit from Dr. K's philosophy of focusing on patient desires, and comfy bedside manner – we are proud to introduce Dr. Mina Yacoub, D.M.D.!


Yocoub, a summa cum laude graduate of Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry joins our team with an extensive knowledge of newest modern dental practices including laser dentistry. He is constantly pushing himself to have the best tools at his disposal, and has proven to be very impressive in his craft with high regards from his residency program and years spent working in the dental sector of Abington Hospital.


While he began his career in pharmaceuticals, his father is a well respected dentist in Egypt which ultimately inspired Yacoub to follow in his footsteps. Dr. Yacoub sees eye-to-eye with our values of hearing patient concerns first, and exploring all solutions before beginning treatment. His goals for patient care align perfectly with our office policy of providing the work you both desire, and expect from us and we’re thrilled to have him!

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Meet Leslie!

Leslie is the EFDA certified shero of Glenmoore Family Dentistry who takes command as our Head Dental Assistant, Front Desk Manager, and even assists in some marketing efforts! As she simultaneously works toward advancing her career as a dental hygienist, Leslie maintains her focus on our patient experience and is most satisfied by the connections she continues to make with anyone who enters our doors.


Adored and motivated by her little ones, Penelope & Zane -- Leslie is a whirlwind on the weekends who is energized by the company of her friends & family.


What We Promise...

At Glenmoore Family Dentistry our staff is small, and we typically see just one patient at a time.


This completely ensures that each patient will receive one-on-one personal care and education without the rush of the next coming appointment or other patients being treated. 


Dr. Kancharla keeps little distraction in our office so that everyone present can stay 100% focused on your treatment. Patients with high anxiety will be at ease in the peaceful environment we strive to create -- we don't even use loud drills or scary needles! 😉

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